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Edmonds School District


What if my student has a SEIZURE DISORDER?


Group of smiling children

Please get in touch with your school nurse ASAP. Who is my school nurse?

The School Nurse will create a Health Plan specific for your child based on the information you provide. This plan outlines what action staff must take in case of seizure activity in school. It is distributed to staff that work with your student.

If the plan includes giving medication, delegated staff will be trained by the School Nurse as appropriate. 

Washington State Law requires that students with a Life-Threatening Health Condition, which may include seizure disorder, have treatment orders from a Licensed Healthcare Provider, supporting medication, and a Health Plan in place at school before they can attend.  


  1. RELEVANT MEDICAL HISTORY: Please fill out Seizure Disorder Information Form / Arabic / Portuguese / Spanish / Ukrainian / Vietnamese
  2. RELEASE OF INFORMATION: Allows the School Nurse to communicate directly with your student’s Healthcare Provider.
    • Emergency Anticonvulsants can be stored and administered in school. 
    • Some  Licensed Healthcare Providers give parents/guardians a “School Care Plan” that includes orders for medications. Please sign this to authorize the order.
    • Licensed Healthcare Providers can also order an emergency anticonvulsant using Authorization for Anticonvulsant in School / Arabic / Portuguese / Spanish / Ukrainian / Vietnamese 
    • Please sign this to authorize the order.
 All Medications Must:
  • Be in their original pharmacy labeled container.
  • Match the order.
  • Not be expired.

Please Note:

  • Rectal medications can only be administered by a School Nurse or paramedic. If your student has a rectal emergency medication that needs to be administered when a School Nurse is not available, paramedics will be called.
  • Daily Medications should be taken at home whenever possible. We recommend having a “Three-Day Disaster Supply” of daily medications at school to be administered in case of lock-down. Please touch base with your School Nurse about overnight field trips/athletic trips/music trips.
  • Daily medications at school must be authorized by a Licensed Healthcare ProviderPlease sign this to authorize the orders.

If your student has a SEIZURE DISORDER, please get in touch with your School Nurse ASAP.