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Edmonds School District

High School Advanced Options

Advanced Placement, College in the High School, Honors, International Baccalaureate (IB), Running Start, and the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) Magnet Program

Current eighth grade students who took the CogAT test, qualified as giftedand are attending the Gifted Middle Program have the options to choose to:

· Attend Edmonds Woodway High School to take full-time Honors in grades 9-10 and to pursue the full-time IB Program Diploma in grades 11-12.

· Attend their home high school and take Honors in grades 9-10; Advanced Placement and/or College in the High School in grades 11-12 (students will also be provided access to Running Start). Counselors will ensure placement and enrollment in these programs for qualified gifted students.

· Attend The STEM Magnet Program at Mountlake Terrace High School in grades 9-12.

Eighth grade students that are not currently attending the Gifted Middle School program, and who live in the Lynnwood, Meadowdale, or Mountlake Terrace service area and want to attend the IB program at Edmonds-Woodway must:

· Enter Honors/IB program pathway only in ninth grade.

· Be willing to take full-time Honors and full-time IB Diploma program for four years.

Tenth grade students at Lynnwood, Meadowdale, and Mountlake Terrace, who have not previously qualified as gifted will have the opportunity to take the CogAT test, qualify as gifted, and stay at their home high school (EWHS IB program not an option). They will be ensured of enrollment by counselors in Advanced Placement and/or College in the High School, students will also be provided access to Running Start.

Please note:  All advanced options with the exception of IB are available to students in grades 9-12 at Lynnwood, Meadowdale, and Mountlake Terrace High Schools without being identified as gifted based on space availability.

Students who live in the Edmonds-Woodway service area are eligible to take Honors and/or IB classes at EWHS without being identified as gifted based on space availability.

Please see more detailed information which explains all advanced options listed on both this website and your home high school’s website.



K-12 Highly Capable Program Specialist