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Edmonds School District

Superintendent Goals

Superintendent Miner, Goals 2023-24

The following goals were developed, in support of the strategic plan and board goals, based on current observations in the District, research, conversations and interviews during the superintendent search process, the superintendent entry plan results, and the 2023 spring staff survey in alignment with the current school board annual goals (based on the strategic plan).

Goal 1: Plan for upcoming and ongoing budget realities including gathering staff, student and stakeholder input while at the same time advocating at the state level for sustainable and adequate funding.

Goal 2: Develop and initiate a two-year work plan to implement the recommendations from the review of the Student Services Department by AIR.

Goal 3: Improve expectations and results for student achievement outcomes and social emotional learning and well-being.

Goal 4: Foster positive relationships with employee groups, with increased opportunities for two-way communication.

Goal 5: Work toward (re)building a sense of community, trust and cohesion among staff and families.

Goal 6: Support the board with their professional development and provide the resources needed to be an effective board and to achieve and monitor their adopted annual goals and message those to the community.

Superintendent Goal Board Goal Strategic Plan Goal
1 Goal 1: “Annually establish budget priorities…” Entire Strategic Plan
2 Goal 8: “Set and align system expectations to strategic plan goals…” Goal 1, objective 1
Goal 2, objective 1
Goal 2, objective 2
Goal 3, objective 2
3 Goals 3, 4, and 5: “Monitor progress…”
Goal 7: “Monitor that equitable and…”
Goal 1, objective 2
Goal 1, objective 3
Goal 1, objective 4
4 Goal 6: “Monitor steps taken to promote a physically and emotionally safe…” Goal 2, objective 1
Goal 2, objective 2

Goal 8: “Set and align system expectations to strategic plan goals…”
Goal 9: “Advance the district strategic priorities…”

Entire Strategic Plan
6 Goal 2: “The Board, both individually and collectively…” N/A / Entire strategic plan