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Edmonds School District

2024-25 Budget Development

Edmonds School District, like many districts in our state, needs to reduce our operating budget in order to bring expenses in alignment with projected funding for the 2024-25 school year. We are planning to reduce our budget by $10.6 million, or 2.65%. 

On April 23, 2024, the Edmonds School Board of Directors approved the 2024-25 Reduced Educational Program during a regular board meeting, which identified both classified and certificated staffing reductions. During the study session prior to the business meeting, (both meetings were open to the public) the school board reviewed the 2024-25 Budget Recommendations which include both revenue changes and expenditure reductions by category. In addition, many staff bargaining groups have agreed to reductions in salaries and professional development in order to help mitigate budget challenges.

2024-25 Budget Development Timeline

How our district is funded

2024-25 Budget Shortfall infographic

72% of district funding is from Washington State

State Funding

These funds are dependent on student enrollment and other factors. State revenue falls short of what districts need to educate students.

15% of district budget is from local taxes

Local Taxes

These funds come from the voter-approved Educational Programs & Operations Levy making up part of what the state does not fund for our district. 

9% of district budget is from Other Sources

Other Sources

These funds come from sources such as school meal sales, grants, gifts, donations, and interest income.

4% of district budget come from federal funding

Federal Funding

These funds can only be spent within specific federal programs such as Special Education and Food Services.

Why are we in a budget shortfall?

The state does not fully cover all of the district’s required expenses. Below are some of the contributing factors to the budget shortfall. 

Legally required Special Education services for students

Our district strives to meet the needs of students equitably by implementing state and federal Special Education requirements. However, we face a challenge as the state does not provide sufficient resources to support these efforts.

For example, in 2022-23 our district spent $10.2 million of local levy funds to make up the gap between state funding and the district’s actual cost for Special Education services for our students. 

Funding for certificated and classified substitutes

Our district is expecting to spend $4.4 million on substitutes in 2023-24. The state allocated approximately $544,000 for teacher substitutes. The state does not fund substitutes for many of our other certificated positions or any classified positions.

Required salary increases for our staff

The state provides additional funding tied to the Implicit Price Deflator (IPD) that is expected to be passed onto staff in the form of wage increases. However, the state does not fund our district’s actual cost of salaries or all of our district’s positions. It costs our district approximately $1 million for every 1% of IPD. Since IPD is expected to be 3.7% in 2024-25, our district must fund roughly $3.7 million to pay the difference. 

Required district insurance and cost of utilities 

Costs for insurance and utilities have been increasing significantly due to inflation and other factors. State funding has not kept pace with these cost increases. For instance, our district is now spending $2.3 million above the state allocation for the cost of insurance and utilities. 

Advocacy work to increase public education funding

Superintendent Miner and School Board Director Carin Chase, the Board’s Legislative Representative, meet with legislators throughout the year. They provide information on the state of our schools, including our budget challenges, and advocate for educational priorities to ensure the best outcomes for our students and community.

Multi-district Letter to Washington State Legislators

In response to the financial challenges facing public schools statewide, education leaders continue to advocate for change. Recently, Edmonds School District Board President Dr. Nancy Katims and President of the Edmonds Education Association Andi Nofziger-Meadows organized a multi-district letter to Washington State Legislators. The letter addressed the current budget shortfalls many districts face and offered suggested solutions. 

2023-24 Legislative Priorities

Edmonds School District and its Board of Directors are dedicated to collaborating with policymakers to enhance public education in our state. Earlier this school year, the Board shared their 2023-24 Legislative Priorities with policymakers. The priorities include asking the Legislature to provide resources for ample, equitable and stable education and to meet requirements for Special Education. You can read more about the 2023-24 Legislative Priorities on our website.

2023-24 Legislative Priorities

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions? Feedback?

Edmonds School District will continue to use information gathered from the form below to update the Frequently Asked Questions section of this webpage. All feedback received will be considered as part of the 2024-25 Budget Development process.

Ask a question or provide feedback 

Edmonds School District will continue to provide updates to the 2024-25 Budget Development webpage as they become available.