Family Canvas
Canvas is the students' online "homebase", for their classes in grades 3-12. It allows teachers to provide students and families with course information, schedules, lessons materials and content, distribute assignments and receive submitted assignments, and provide students with feedback.
Families can keep track of the daily progress of their student through Canvas as an observer. Click on the tabs below to learn how to login to your observer account, manage account settings, and how to use Canvas as an observer. Each section will include information on how to use Canvas on a computer and on a phone.
Sign In
If you are connected to a student in Skyward, you will have an observer account created for you in Canvas. Once you are paired with your student in Canvas, you will stay connected with them as long as they are enrolled in the Edmonds School District.
How to Sign in to Canvas
- Browse to
- Enter your username (The username is your full email address that is listed in Skyward.)
- Enter Password (Select Forgot Password if needed)
If you need to update your email address in Skyward, you can find directions on the Skyward Family Access Information page in the section "Changing Contact Information."
Click on the written directions or video directions for step by step help getting logged in for the first time.
District staff fill out a help desk ticket if you need support with your Canvas parent observer account.
Written Directions
Canvas Parent - Computer Login
Last Updated: January 3, 2023
1. Go to
If you have not logged in before, select Forgot Password.
If you have logged in before, enter your username and password.
Username is the full email address and password is the one you set up when you first logged in.
2. Enter your full email address under username and select Request Password
The email address will be the same one that is listed in Skyward connected to your child's account.
An email will be sent to you from Edmonds School District with a link to set your password.
3. Once you receive the email, select the link in the message to set your password.
4. Return to the login screen
Enter your username (full email address)
Enter your password (the one that was just set in the previous step).
Select Login
Video Directions
- Download the Canvas Parent App from the App Store
- Open the App
- If prompted, Find School and type in Edmonds School District
- Enter your username (The username is your full email address that is listed in Skyward.)
- Enter Password (Select Forgot Password if needed)
If you need to update your email address in Skyward, you can find directions on the Skyward Family Access Information page in the section "Changing Contact Information."
Click on the written directions or video directions for step by step help getting logged in for the first time.
District staff fill out a help desk ticket if you need support with your Canvas parent observer account.
Written Directions
Canvas Parent App - Logging in
Last Updated 12/16/2022
1. Open Canvas Parent App and click on Find School
If you do not have the app, go to the App Store and search for Canvas Parent App to download.
2. Type Edmonds in the search bar
3. Select Edmonds School District from the list
4. Login if you know the password or Select Forgot Password if you need to reset it
Username is the full email address that is listed in Skyward.
If you have never logged in or forgot your password, select Forgot Password
5. Type in your Username and select Request Password
Username is the full email address
6. Check email for a message from Edmonds School District with the subject Canvas: Forgot Password. Click on the link to reset password.
It can take several minutes before the email shows up in your email.
If you don't see it in your inbox, check the spam or junk folder.
7. After setting your password, return to the Login Screen for the App to login
Username is the full email address
Video Directions
Account Settings
How do I manage the Canvas notifications?
Notification settings are based on the user account. With your observer account, you can login to Canvas and manage the type of notifications that you want to receive. The notification settings options on the mobile app are limited compared to the ones available to set up on a Computer in a web browser.
The section below provides and overview of which notification or alert settings are available to set depending on the device being used. Click on the directions below on how to manage your account notifications in Canvas. The default setting for each account is set to receive all notifications.
Notifications Settings on a Computer
Course Activities
- Due Date
- Grading Policies
- Course Content
- Announcement
- Grading
- Invitation
- Submission Comment
Conversations (Canvas Inbox)
- Conversation Message
- Conversation Created by Me
- Calendar
- Global Announcements
Alert Settings on a Phone
Course Activity
- Course grade is above a percentage
- Course grade is below a percentage
- Assignment missing
- Assignment grade above a percentage
- Assignment grade below a percentage
- Course Announcements
- Institution (Global) Announcements
Written Directions
Computer - Account Notifications
Canvas for Families: Computer Notification Settings
Last Updated: February 23, 2023
1. Login to Canvas
2. Click on Account
3. Click on Notifications
4. Optional: Click on Show name of observed students in notifications if you have multiple students in the District using Canvas.
5. Select type of notification you want to receive and how often
Click on the icon under the email address to change the notification setting. The options include:
Notify Immediately (Emails sent when the item is updated)
Daily Summary (Emailed around 6pm)
Weekly Summary (Emailed Saturdays between 2-4pm)
Notifications off (No emails, you must login to Canvas to view the information)
6. Click on Settings for… to set Course Specific notifications and select the course
7. Optional: Click on to Enable or Disable Notifications for a specific course.
8. Uncheck Enable Notifications for 2021-2022 Sample Course
Phone App Notifications
Canvas for Families: Parent App Notifications
How to set & view alerts for a student in the Canvas Parent App
Last Updated: 1/18/2023
Setting Alerts
Open the Canvas Parent App
Select the User Menu (3 horizontal lines in the top left corner
Select Manage Students
Select the student’s name
Set Alerts (This step will vary slightly based on the device)
Android Device |
IOS Device |
Repeat the process if you have multiple students you are observing.
View Alerts in the App
Open the app
Click on the Alerts icon at the bottom right page of the app screen
The student connected to the alerts that you are viewing will be listed at the top of the screen. To switch to a different student, select the down arrow next to the student name and choose the next person.
To remove an alert
Android Device |
IOS Device |
Video Directions
How do I set my Language Preferences in Canvas?
As an observer you can change the language of your Canvas Account. This will automatically translate any content that is native to Canvas.
- If you are using the Canvas Parent App on a phone or tablet, you will need to login to Canvas on a computer to set the language before it will show in the app.
- This will not change the language of any sites or resources that are linked within Canvas. Examples would be a link to an external website or a Google Doc that is embedded in Canvas.
If you would like the Canvas Parent App to be translated to another language, browse to and log into the site. Click on the written directions or video directions for step by step directions on how to set the video language.
Written Directions
Setting Canvas Language Preferences
Last Updated: January 4, 2023
1. Go to Canvas and login
2. Click on Account in the navigation menu
3. Click on Settings
4. Click on Edit Settings
5. Select Language from the dropdown menu
6. Click on Update Settings
Video Directions
Using Canvas
As an observer you will be linked to your student(s) in Canvas based on the email address that is listed in Skyward.
The observer role is different from the student role. Observers can:
- View course information but cannot participate in the course.
- View student grades
- View what work is assigned along with due dates.
- View course information and announcements.
- Communicate directly with individual teachers through the Canvas Inbox (email).
Important Items to Know:
- Courses are only visible to observers if the teacher publishes the course and the course has started.
- The Canvas Parent Phone App provides limited access to Canvas. There will be more access on a Computer browser versus the phone.
- Some resources in Canvas may not be visible to the parent observer since they are restricted to only Edmonds School District accounts or students.
- How do I navigate Canvas?
- How do I navigate a course in Canvas?
- How do I view assignments?
- How do I view grades in Canvas?
- How do I message a teacher in Canvas?
- What do the icons in Canvas mean?
- How do I use the Calendar in Canvas?
How do I navigate Canvas?
Written Directions
Navigating Canvas Online for Families
Last Updated: March 7, 2023
1. Go to
2. View Dashboard
All courses that are published and active and the student is enrolled in should show up on the dashboard. On the Dashboard, you can also switch between students.
A. Click on Courses if not all courses are showing up on the Dashboard
By default, active courses should be on the Dashboard. If you do not see a course that you think should be there, go to Courses and follow the next steps.
B. Click on All Courses
C. Click on the Star next to the course that is missing to the courses menu.
- All courses with a solid star will show on the Dashboard.
- All courses with an outlined star will not show on the Dashboard, but they will be in the list under All Courses. (This is the same for students)
D. Click on Dashboard to return to the main page
3. Click on a course to open it
For more information on how to navigate the course, view the section "How do I navigate a course in Canvas?"
4. Click on Calendar in the Global Navigation
- This will allow you to view the calendars for the courses.
- View directions on "How do I use the Canvas Calendar as an Observer?" on the site for more information.
5. Click on the Inbox to view messages or send messages
- If there are numbers on the inbox, it indicates the number of unread messages you have.
- View the section "How do I message a teacher?" on the site for more information about how to use the Inbox.
6. Click on Help
The Help Button will allow you to access user guides, view updates about your user role in Canvas, and to report a problem with the site. Please note that any course specific questions about assignments, policies, grades, etc. need to be sent to the teacher for the course.
Video Directions
Written Directions
Navigating Canvas Parent App
1. Login to the Canvas Parent App
Refer to the Signin tab for details on how to login.
2. View Student Courses and Grades
The landing page for the Canvas Parent App will be a list of all the student's courses and a grade for that course.
Navigating the landing page will allow you to view different information:
- Selecting the Menu Icon (3 Horizontal Lines) to access the Inbox, Manage Student Accounts, an more.
- If you have multiple students, select the arrow next to the name at the top to toggle to a different person.
- Click on the Course Title to view details about the course.
- Select the Calendar Icon at the bottom of the screen to view the calendar.
- Select the Alerts icon to view message alerts that have been set for the student.
Refer to the additional resources on this page for further details about how to navigate the specific courses, the calendar, and the alerts from the app.
Video Directions
How do I navigate a course in Canvas?
Written Directions
Navigating A Course Online for Families
These directions focus on navigating a course as an observer when accessing Canvas through an Internet Browser.
Last Updated: March 7, 2023
1. Click on a course on the Dashboard to open it
2. Access the Modules for the course
When you enter the course, you will land on a Home Page that includes course information and links. Modules hold the course content (resources, assignments, etc).
Access Modules by:
- Selecting Modules in the Course Navigation Menu
- Select a quick link button or link provided on the Home Page
3. Click on the items under each module to view details
4. Click on Grades
View the section on "How do I view grades in Canvas?" on the site for more information.
5. Click on an assignment to view details, feedback, and submission status
Check out the section titled "How do I view an Assignment" for more information.
Video Directions
Written Directions
Navigating a Course within the Canvas Parent App
1. Open Course
Select the name of the course that you want to view.
2. View Course
The course page displays:
- The student's course grade
- A list of all assignments in the course
3. View Assignments List
Each assignment displays:
- An assignment-type icon [
- The assignment name
- Due date if one is set for the assignment
- Submission status
- Assignment score if the assignment has been graded
- Click on the individual assignment to view more details.
You can also select the Message Icon to send an email to the teacher about the course.
4. View Course Front Page
On the course page, select the Front Page tab to view the homepage of the course.
Select any linked modules or buttons on the homepage to access more information from the course. Modules are a way to organize content within a course.
5. View Front Page Links
Opened links will display in a preview window of Canvas web.
- There will be a Canvas Global navigation menu that you can access by selecting the 3 Horizontal Lines at the top of the screen.
- There is a Course Navigation Menu that is accessed by selecting the down arrow next to the course name at the top of the screen.
- To return to the Parent app, tap the Done link on an IOS device or the Previous button on an Android device.
Video Directions
How do I view assignments?
Please note that many assignments may include links or other external tools that integrate with Canvas which will not be accessible for non-Edmonds School District Employees or Students. You will always have access to view directions that the teacher has included for the assignment.
Here is a list of a few assignment integrations that you will not be able to access since they require a staff and student account:
- Google Docs, Slides, Sheets, Forms
- Kami
- EdPuzzle
- Newsela
- Some Digital Texts and Online Resources
- Pear Deck
If you ever have a specific question about an assignment, grades, or the submission status, please reach out to the teacher.
Written Directions
Viewing Assignments in Canvas
Last updated: 3/15/23
Assignments can be viewed through
- Modules (Use this option to see assignments along with other content shared within the course)
- Grades (Use this option to view graded assignments, feedback, submissions)
- Calendar
The directions below will focus on viewing an assignment from the Grades Page.
1. Open a Canvas Course
2. Click on Grades
3. Click on the Assignment Title
4. View Assignment Details
The Details section will include teacher provided directions or additional information about the assignment.
5. Click on Attempt
This will allow you to view the multiple assignment submissions a student has made. The most current version will be the one displaying. Remember, you will not see the submissions or content for all types of assignments.
6. Click on View Feedback
This will allow you to view comments about the assignment.
If an assignment is graded, you will also see the points possible and points earned above the View Feedback button.
Video Directions
Written Directions
Canvas Parent App - View Assignments
These directions are for viewing assignments when using the Canvas Parent App on a phone or tablet.
Last Updated: 3/6/2023
1. Open Canvas Parent App Courses Tab
2. Click on the grade to view specific assignments for that course.
3. View Assignment Grade Page Details
Each assignment displays the:
- Assignment title
- Due date and time (It will say "No Due Date" if one is not set)
- Grade (there will be a dash if the assignment has not been graded yet or is missing.
- Points possible for the assignment
Each assignment also displays a status.
- Submitted - Submitted assignment online through Canvas
- Not Submitted - Assignment not submitted (Caution: This notification can show if students submit a paper copy)
- Missing - Assignment is not submitted and past due date or no due date. (Caution: Some assignment types students submit can be marked as missing, but they are actually submitted. This can be verified by selecting on the assignment.)
- Late - Submitted after the due date that was listed. This should be only for information only. Always refer to the grading policy for the course regarding late work as it does not always mean the same thing for each course.
4. Open Assignment
To open an assignment, tap the name of the assignment.
5. View Assignment
Each assignment detail displays the:
- Assignment status
- Due date
- Assignment details added by the instructor.
- To create a reminder for the assignment, tap the Set Reminder button
The information above comes from Canvas Parent App User Guide
Video Directions
How do I view grades in Canvas?
Written Directions
Canvas Family Access - View Grades
These directions are for viewing grades when using an Internet Browser.
Last Updated: February 28, 2023
Login to Canvas and Go to Dashboard
You can access grades for students in 2 different ways. Directions for both methods are included below. Click on the Option 1 or Option 2 link to jump directly to those directions
- Option 1: View grades from within a course
- Option 2: View grade for all courses for all observed students
Option 1: View Grades Within A Course
1. Click on Canvas Course
2. Click on Grades
3. Grade Report for Course
Click on a specific assignment to view more details about the assignment.
Toggle to a different course to view those grades. Select the course from the dropdown menu and then select the blue Apply Button to the right.
Option 2: View Grades for All Courses & Students
1. Click on View Grades
You will see the View Grades button on the Canvas Dashboard.
2. View overall grades for courses or select the course to view more details
The View Grades page will show you a list of all the courses your student(s) are actively enrolled in and the current grade for the course if there is one.
You can select the specific course to go to the student's specific grade report for that course to see a list of assignments.
3. Course Grade view
- Click on a specific assignment to view more details about the assignment.
- Toggle to a different course to view those grades. Select the course from the dropdown menu and then select the blue Apply Button to the right.
Video Directions
Written Directions
Canvas Parent App - View Grades
These directions are for viewing grades when using the Canvas Parent App on a phone or tablet.
Last Updated: February 28, 2023
1. Login to Canvas Parent App
2. Click Courses tab to view overall grade for courses
Click on the grade to view specific assignments for that course.
3. In Course View, See Individual grade by Assignment
Click on the assignment title to view directions about the assignment
You will not be able to view student submissions from the Canvas Parent App.
Video Directions
How do I message a teacher in Canvas?
Written Directions
Using Canvas Inbox to Message a Teacher
Last Updated: 3/6/23
1. Login to Canvas
2. Open Inbox
- In Global Navigation, click the Inbox link.
- If the Inbox link includes a numbered indicator, the indicator shows how many unread messages you have in your Inbox. Once you read the new messages, the indicator will disappear.
3. Compose Message
Click the Compose icon.
4. Select Course
In the Courses drop-down menu, select the course where you want to send your message. You can filter your courses by current favorite courses [1], more courses [2], or course groups [3].
5. Add User
To add the teacher, you can:
- Search for the teacher in the To field by typing in their name.
- Select the Course Roster Address Book icon, choose Teacher, and select the name.
Note: You can only message the teachers and your student.
6. Compose and Send Message
- Enter a subject line for your message.
- If you are sending your message to multiple users, but you do not want each user to see who else was included in the message, click the Send an individual message to each recipient checkbox.
- In the message field, type your message. All content is sent in plain text. Note that if you include a URL in your message, the URL will automatically become a clickable link after you send the message.
- Click the attachment or media file icons to add an attachment to the message.
- Click the Send button when finished.
These directions are from the Canvas Users Observer Guide.
Video Directions
Written Directions
Last Updated: 3/6/23
You can send a message to the teacher through either the course page or an assignment page.
1. Open Course
To open a course, tap the course name.
2. Open Message
Send a message from the course screen or select a specific assignment to send the message from the assignment screen. Either way, look for the message icon on the page to open the box to compose a message.
To send a message to the course instructor, click the Message icon.
3. Compose New Message
- The course instructor's name automatically displays in the To field [1].
- If the course has multiple instructors or TAs, you can add or remove recipient(s) by tapping the Recipients icon [2].
- The subject of the message displays automatically. However, you can edit the subject content, by tapping the Subject field [3].
- To compose your message, tap the Message field [4]. Use the keyboard to type your message.
- To attach a file to your message, click the Attach icon [5].
4. Send Message
- To send your message, click the Send link [1].
- To discard your message draft, click the Back link [2].
The directions are from the Canvas Observer/Parent Guide IOS and Android
Video Directions
What do the icons in Canvas mean?
In different areas of Canvas, you may view various icons next to assignments. Here is a quick guide to let you know what these icons represent.
Canvas Content
Icon |
Meaning |
Assignment. An item students will work on and possibly submit to the teacher. It can be on paper or digital. |
Attachment. A document tor resource that has been shared with students as a file. Students often will need to download this item in order to view. |
Discussion: An online discussion prompt that students will respond to within Canvas. The teacher or classmates are the audience for the discussion. |
External Tool: The resource or assignment links to an external tool that integrates with Canvas. To access, typically an Edmonds School District account is needed, therefore only staff and students will have access to the tool, |
Lock: If this is next to an assignment, it means that students can no longer access it. |
Page: A page contains information. Can indicate content shared with students when it is seen within the course. |
Quiz: The rocket indicates the item is a quiz. Some teachers may use quizzes as a way to format assignments and to check for understanding. Observers will not be able to access or view the quiz. |
Calendar/Events: This icon is used to represent an event that was added to the calendar, but is not directly connected to a specific assignment in a course. An event can include links within the details that connect to an assignment. |
GradeBook Icons
Icon |
Meaning |
Rubric: This indicates there is a grading rubric attached to the assignment. It will indicate how the student is assessed for the assignment. |
✔️ | Check: A check on an assignment grade indicates the assignment was completed. |
X | X: Indicates the assignment was incomplete. |
Feedback or Comments: A comment was left connected to the assignment. These comments could be from the teacher and/or student. |
Page: When this is in the gradebook in the score column, it indicates an item is submitted for the assignment and waiting to be scored. |
Link: When this is in the gradebook in the score column, it indicates that the student submitted a link for their assignment submission. |
Dash: A dash in the gradebook indicates there is no score for the assignment. This can be due to no online submission, it is submitted in an external tool, and/or the teacher has not entered a score. |
Exclamation Mark: This icon indicates the assignment does not count toward the final grade. |
Turnitin Flag: At the secondary level, some assignments may include a red, blue, or green flag next to them. This flag means that the assignment was ran through our plagiarism detecting tool. Refer to the Turnitin Page for more information about the colors. |
How do I use the Calendar in Canvas?
Canvas includes a Calendar feature that is connected to the courses. This a great way to view important due dates or events that have been added to the course calendar. You will not be able to view a students' personal calendar, just the course calendar.
Written Directions
Canvas Calendar for Observers
Last Updated: 3/14/23
Directions are pulled from Canvas Observer Guide.
1. Open Calendar
Click on the Calendar icon in the Canvas Global Navigation menu.
2. View Calendar
The Calendar displays everything for all of the courses the student is enrolled in.
- In the navigation bar, you can choose to view the calendar in Week, Month, or Agenda view.
- By default, the calendar appears in Month view. This will change if you choose one of the other options.
- The sidebar shows a quick-view calendar, a list of courses and groups, and undated items for courses and groups.
3. View Calendar List
Understanding the Calendar View:
- Each calendar is identified by a separate color that populates the calendar view.
- Assignments for each course will appear within the calendar view for each calendar in the same color.
- Only items with due dates will show directly on the calendar. See UNDATED section for assignments without due dates.
- By default, the first 10 course calendars will be selected and appear in the calendar view.
- To hide a calendar, click the box next to the name of the calendar.
- When the color is not showing next to the course in the list, the Calendar events are hidden.
- Calendars that are not active within the calendar view display as faded text
4. View Undated Events List
Expanding the Undated items link will show you a list of events and assignments that are not dated. The assignments and events will be differentiated by icons and by the calendar colors.
5. View Assignments and Events
- Assignments are shown with an icon next to the assignment title.
The icon reflects the assignment type:
- Discussion (speech bubbles) - this is an item with a submission in Canvas that may be graded.
- Assignment (paper/pencil) - this is an item with a submission in Canvas that may be graded..
- Quiz (rocket) - this is an item with a submission in Canvas that may be graded.
- Events (calendar) - this is for information purposes. It is not directly connected to an assignment in Canvas.
- Each item on the calendar is color-coded to match the courses or calendars in the sidebar.
- To view full details for an assignment or event, click on the item in the calendar.
Subscribe to Calendars
Subscribing to the Calendar feed allows you to add the Canvas Calendars to a personal calendar you might use. Before subscribing, make sure all of the calendars that you want to view are selected on the Canvas calendar. If they are hidden, they will also be hidden when connected to an external calendar.
Click on the appropriate link below to see the directions on how to set this up.
Video Directions
Written Directions
Using Canvas Calendar in Phone App
Last Updated: 3/14/23
1. Open the Canvas Parent App
2. Open Calendar
In the Dashboard, tap the Calendar icon at the bottom of the App screen.
3. View Calendar
The Calendar page shows all assignments and events for all the student's courses.
By default:
- The calendar displays assignments and events by week.
- The current date is always selected and indicated by the solid background
- Any assignments or events on the current date display below the calendar in an agenda format.
- Assignments or events on other dates are indicated by a dot below the date. Multiple dots indicate multiple assignments or events, which can be viewed by tapping the date
4. Manage Calendars
You can manage the courses that display in the calendar by clicking the Calendars link [1]. By default, the top 10 active courses that a student is enrolled in are selected.
If you choose to select specific calendars and not all calendars, the number of selected calendars will display next to the link [2].
5. View Additional Dates
- To view assignments and events for other dates, swipe the week view left or right
- You can also expand to the calendar Month view by tapping the name of the month and swiping the month view left or right.
6. View Individual Event or Assignment
To view the details of an individual assignment or event, tap the name of the assignment or event.
Directions from the Canvas Parent Observer Guide for IOS and Android devices.
Video Directions
If you have questions about a specific assignment, grade for a course, or class policies, please reach out to the specific teacher.
Common Issues
- I am not able to login
- I Need to Change my Password
- I selected "forgot password" but did not receive an email to change it
- I am being asked for a pairing code
- I see only some of my child's courses
- I cannot access some of the content in the course.
I am not able to login
If you have experiencing trouble logging into Canvas, please check the following based on how you are trying to login to Canvas:
Phone -
- Are you using the Canvas Parent App?
- Did you select Edmonds School District when prompted to Find School?
- Did you type in your full email address as your username? It needs to be the email address connected to your student's information in Skyward.
- Did you try the Forgot Password button to reset your password? An email will be sent with directions for resetting your account. It can take a few minutes before it sends.
Computer -
- Are you on the website?
- Did you type in your full email address as your username? It needs to be the email address connected to your student's information in Skyward.
- Did you try the Forgot Password button to reset your password? An email will be sent with directions for resetting your account. It can take a few minutes before it sends.
If you are still experiencing trouble logging in, please complete the Canvas Support: Family Resources form.
I Need to Change my Password
Written Directions
Canvas Password Change for Families
Must know old password
Creation Date: August 23, 2023
1. Click on Account
2. Click on Settings
3. Click on Edit Settings
4. Check Change Password
Type in your old password (one given to you) and type in your new password. It should be at least 8 characters.
5. Click on Update Settings
Interactive Directions
I selected "forgot password" but did not receive an email to change it
When you select "Forgot Password in the Canvas Parent App or on the web browser, the email sender is the Edmonds School District with the email address The subject will be Forgot Password: Canvas (see screenshot provided below). You may need to check the spam or junk email folder.
If you still do not receive the email to reset the password or need assistance resetting your password, complete the Canvas Support: Family Resource form.
I am being asked for a pairing code
I see only some of my child's courses
In order for you to see courses in Canvas the following must apply:
- Your student is enrolled in the course for the current semester or quarter. These courses are the only ones that will show on the main dashboard.
- The teacher must publish the course.
If you are accessing Canvas on a computer, you can select Courses and All Courses in the navigation menu to view current and past courses the student is enrolled in. If current enrollments are not showing on the Dashboard, select the Star next to the course name.
I cannot access some of the content in the course.
Canvas allows teachers to connect external tools to assignments. These external tools require District Accounts to access. A few of the more common tools used include:
- Newsela
- EdPuzzle
- Pear Deck
- Kami
- Google Docs
- Canva
As an observer, you will be able to see the assignment title and the directions the teacher added to the assignment, along with any grade given, but you will not be able to view the content or the assignment submission.
If you have gone through the steps and still need assistance with your Canvas Parent Observer account, please click the Help Button below and fill out the form. An employee from the Edmonds School District will reach out to you within a few days.