Visually Impaired
The Vision Services program serves students in the Edmonds School District who range in age from pre-school through 21-years. Students of the district Vision program must have documented medical diagnosis of visual impairment along with accompanying reduced visual acuity. Edmonds School District has two certificated Teachers for Students with Visual Impairment (TVI), one Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist (COMS), and four certified Braillists to serve qualifying students.
A team of invested adults and skilled professionals design and provide the individualized program for students with visual impairment. The educational planning team includes the student’s parent(s) / guardian(s), a certificated Teacher for Students with Visual Impairment, a General Education Teacher, and other relevant specialists.
For academics, the role of the Vision Services program is to focus on making curriculum and the educational environment accessible by way of accommodations and modifications for students with visual impairment. Large print, auditory resources, and Braille materials are available to students per their individual need.
The individualized program for students with visual impairment also emphasizes instruction in skills within the 9 categories of the Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC) including compensatory skills, sensory efficiency, self-advocacy, recreation and leisure, assistive technology, activities of daily living, career education, social and emotional learning, plus orientation and mobility. Orientation and Mobility instruction for visually impaired students within the Edmonds School District is specifically addressed by a Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist. These skills address safe, efficient and independent travel in familiar and unfamiliar environments. This can include but is not limited to room familiarization, white cane skills, bus travel, street crossings and learning relevant walking routes. The district O&M Specialist works closely with the student and their family, the TVI, as well as with other relevant specialists (OT, PT, SLP) to specifically address student needs in the home, school and community.
Planning for post-high-school transition is provided for visually impaired students. Collaboration with community agencies and accessing resources for individuals with visual impairment are important aspects of developing a full, well-rounded program for these students.
For more information about the Vision Services program in the Edmonds School District, contact:
DHH and VI Programs Manager
Phone: 425-431-7213