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Edmonds School District

High School

Amy Emond  
Jon Woods    
Kayla Meese  

Advice from one student to another:

Advice from Nolan: 

Let me introduce myself and some of you already know me. My name is Nolan and I am a senior this year. I attended Madrona when I was 3 years old until 8th grade then I graduated and entered Edmonds Woodway HS. 

When I was a freshman and I carried all things in my backpack and it was very heavy and I continued that way for two years. Then I decided to remove some things and bring the things only for today’s classes and it is a lot easier for me to carry. So I encourage you to bring the materials you need for today's classes only. When we put the heavy backpack on your back, it is not good for your health. 

I had a lot of stress with confusing and hard to understand classes and assignments and I want you to know that I encourage you to go ahead and ask your teacher for help with what you need. You can ask for help during the advisory time from 9 am to 9:40 am or stay after school and set an appointment with your teacher for tutoring. I want you to know that it is ok for you to ask someone for help. You will get good grades if you have a good understanding of assignments and tasks. You also can ask classmates if they know how to help you. If you have a good understanding and a talent with your class, then it is great. 

You will choose 6 classes. I suggest you take PE like Team/Individual Sports and Walking. Except if you like to learn about body health and exercise with weights then take Weighting Training each semester or a year.  You will go to 5 academic classes and one class to go and move and have fun.  It is nice to have a balance of enjoying the activities/sports and classroom studying. Also pick the classes that you will be motivated to learn and enjoy. You also can try to find out if your future/dream career is available in Edmonds Woodway HS and if so then you can go to that class and get knowledge about that career.

I think that all the advice that I give to you. Enjoy your High School adventure!

Advice from Ammon:

I just graduated last year. I want to give you my advice to help you survive through the high school years. You must keep good grades. If you struggle and are having a hard time understanding, then go ask people for help. Please stay out of trouble. I promise you will have a good time. Make sure to join any clubs, sports, and be involved in some school events, like DAB. You will do great from Freshman to Senior year! Remember to always be helpful to others! You must study as hard as you can and turn work in on time! GET OFF YOUR PHONES lol!

Advice from Allison: 

Don’t Skip Class 

If you skip class, you think it’s fun or cool and that’s not cool. They will look for you or they will call your parents. 

Do Your Homework 
You can’t be lazy. You need to do your important homework so you can get good grades and can go to graduation. Please do it for your homework early, not late.