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Edmonds School District

Title I Compacts - Grades K-6

Students with large books

School-Family Compacts

Building Partnerships

Our school offers ongoing events and programs to build partnerships with families. 
There are many opportunities for families to volunteer, observe, and participate in school activities to build partnerships that will support student learning. 

  • Parent-Teacher Conferences
  • Curriculum Nights
  • Volunteering/ Observing in your child’s classroom
  • Open House
  • Frequent Progress Reports

What is a School-Family Compact?

A School-Family Compact for Achievement is an agreement that families, students and teachers develop together. It explains how families and teachers will work together to make sure all our students reach or exceed grade-level standards. 

Jointly Developed

The families  and staff of Edmonds School District partnered together to develop this School-Family Compact for Reading Achievement.  Families are encouraged to attend annual  meetings to review this compact and make suggestions. Families are also encouraged to participate in our annual  survey that we use to collect feedback from our families. Families  are welcome to contribute comments at any time.

Communication about Student Learning

Edmonds School District is committed to frequent two-way communication with families about children’s learning. Some of the ways you can expect us to reach you are: 

  • Class newsletters to families
  • Ongoing phone calls, notes, emails, and reports to families on student’s progress
  • Updates on the classroom and school websites
  • Family-teacher conferences in October and March.  

Do you have questions about your child’s progress? 

Contact your child’s classroom teacher by phone or email. 

K-6 Title 1 Compacts