Title I/LAP
Title I
Title I is a federal program designed to help children obtain a high quality education and reach proficiency on state academic standards and assessments. Federal funds are used to provide supplemental educational assistance and to ensure that all students have fair, equal and significant opportunity to obtain a high quality education.
Title I funds assist in paying for staff, professional development and parent involvement. Schools are selected based on free-and-reduced averages. The following Edmonds elementary schools receive Title I funds: Beverly, Cedar Valley, Cedar Way, Chase Lake, College Place, Hazelwood, Lynndale, Lynnwood, Martha Lake, Meadowdale, Mountlake Terrace, Oak Heights, and Spruce.
Public School Choice
Federal requirements for Title I schools are designed to increase student achievement. When schools do not meet their federal targets over time, sanctions are applied.
Citizens Complaint Process
When a District receives Federal Title I funds it allows us the opportunity to provide supplemental support programs for Title I eligible students. As a recipient of these funds we are required to inform you that if you have a complaint about the services offered under Title I and have not been able to resolve them through the District process, you may file a citizen complaint to the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI).
A citizen complaint is a written statement that alleges a violation of a federal rule, law or state regulation that applies to a federal program.
- Anyone can file a citizen complaint
- There is no special form
- There is no need to know the law that governs a federal program to file a complaint
Quick Links
Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) - Title 1School Board Policy 4130 - Title 1 Parental InvolvementWASHINGTON OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION (OSPI) - Citizen Complaints
LAP (Learning Assistance Program)
Our Washington legislature funds the Learning Assistance Program (LAP) to help all students meet state standards in reading. Children who scored below standard on multiple district and/or state assessments are eligible for LAP services. Principals, teachers, specialists and assistants work together to provide the instruction and practice students need to be successful. The Edmonds School District supports this program with professional development, instructional materials and assessment tools.
Elementary LAP
Each Elementary school in our district receives LAP funds to support reading in kindergarten through 4th grade. Our overall goal for LAP is prevention and early intervention to lessen the impact of potential reading difficulties. Building allocations are needs based. LAP staff support students who are developing the skills needed to meet standard in reading. The principal and school staff make decisions about the most effective approach to use based on students' academic needs. LAP staff work in the classroom with identified students, with small groups of children in another space, or with individuals under the direction of a certificated teacher. Edmonds provides training in the use of effective teaching techniques and assessment for LAP staff.
Secondary LAP
LAP staff support students who have not met standard in reading, writing and math at five of our middle schools. They work in the classroom with identified students under the direction of the English or math teachers. The secondary LAP staff follow the same guidelines as the elementary staff and receive similar training from the district.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What does it mean if my child qualifies for Title I or LAP services?
- What do services look like?
- Who provides services?
- What instructional materials are used?
- Will my child receive services all year?
- What can I do to support my child at home?
- What are the different types of programs?
- How do schools use their Title I or LAP dollars?