Course Descriptions SS MS
Course Descriptions for Social Studies Courses Found at All Edmonds School District Middle Schools and K-8 Schools
7th Grade:
Seventh grade Social Studies is divided into two semester courses; first semester is Washington State History and second semester is Medieval History. For WA State history, students will learn about and demonstrate mastery of WA State civics, geography, economics, and history standards. Topics include the structure of our government, settlement patterns, distribution of wealth across the state, and individuals and groups who influenced our history. Special emphasis on tribal sovereignty via the Since Time Immemorial standards is central to first semester. Successfully passing the WA State History portion is a High School graduation requirement. For the Medieval portion, students will study at least two of the following groups: Europe during feudalism, Meso-America, Japan, West Africa, or Islamic Empires. For this portion of the class, topics include the influence of governments on people, cultural diffusion, production, distribution, and consumption of goods, and influential groups or individuals from the Medieval era. Both classes will be incorporating the Literacy Common Core State Standards (CCSS). This means that there is a heavy emphasis on reading, writing, and listening skills that students will need to master throughout the year. Near the end of the year, all students will be expected to complete the CBA or Classroom Based Assessment.
8th Grade:
The eighth grade American Studies course presents a chronological study of our history from Revolution through Reform (American Revolution, Constitution, The New Nation, Expansion, Civil War/Reconstruction, Industrialization/Urbanization, Immigration, and Reforms). Students will also examine our multi-cultural heritage, our economic development, as well as citizenship rights and responsibilities. All students will be required to complete a Classroom Based Assessment in civics. Reading, writing, discussion, and research skills are continuously reinforced.