Course Descriptions for ELA MS
Course Descriptions for English and Language Arts Courses Found at All Edmonds School District Middle Schools
7th Grade:
The Edmonds School District-adopted Collections curriculum is the core curriculum in English 7. In English 7, students build on their Common Core aligned reading, writing and communication skills. As readers, students read a variety of classic, contemporary and multicultural tests (ex: essays, myths, non-fiction, novels, plays, poems, and short stories) and apply analytic and critical thinking skills to their interpretation. Writing instruction extends students’ understanding of the writing process in the development of the narrative, informational, and argumentative writing forms. Students engage in a variety of speaking and listening activities such as classroom discussions, evaluating point of view, and presenting to the class.
8th Grade:
The Edmonds School District-adopted Collections curriculum is the core curriculum in English 8. Students in English 8 continue to advance Common Core aligned reading, writing, and communication skills. Students read broadly and engage in critical analysis and discussion of a variety of literary and informational texts, including world and multicultural texts. As writers, students deepen their narrative, informational, argumentation and research writing skills when they solidify their understanding of the writing process to produce well-organized and well-supported writing projects that address a clear target audience. Students further refine their speaking and listening skills through classroom discourse, collaborative projects, and presentations.