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Edmonds School District


High School Science Curriculum

The mission of science education in Edmonds is to develop scientifically literate, lifelong learners who have positive attitudes towards science. Students achieve when they have access to well-articulated, deliberately-aligned common standards, vocabulary, curriculum, common assessments, and instructional practices across the district.

Our high school science programs offer a variety of courses for students to prepare them for many of the paths they may choose after graduation. Students have opportunities to explore science in Honors, AP, and IB advanced science courses as well as various science electives.

Science Course Options:

Integrated Physical Science:

  • Physical Science: Concepts in Action, Prentice Hall


  • Biology, 2005 Edition - Miller-Levine, Prentice Hall

AP Biology:

  • Biology, 7th Edition - Campbell, Prentice Hall


  • Chemistry, 6th Edition - Zumdahl & Zumdahl, Houghton Mifflin


  • Physics - Walker, Prentice Hall

Washington State Science Standards can be downloaded here.

Beginning in 2014-2015, all students entering 9th grade have the opportunity to register for Biology or Honors Biology. Please consult the 2014-2015 Curriculum/Course Guide for the high school the student will be attending.

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