Test Results - Score Reports
- Preliminary versus Final Scores
- Scores and Score Report Availability
- How Scores Appear in Skyward
- Interpreting Score Reports
- Request to View Your Child's State Test
Preliminary versus Final Scores
Preliminary Smarter Balanced (SBA) scores are usually available for SBA tests taken online; those results are available within a few weeks after a test has been completed and submitted by the student. On RARE occasion a score may change before the score is finalized, so you should take that into consideration when you view preliminary results.
Final scores for a Spring SBA administration are published in late August or September.
WCAS (Science) tests are scored a little differently than SBA. No preliminary scores are published for WCAS; only final scores are published in late August or September.
SBA tests taken as paper/pencil tests (provided as an IEP or 504 accommodation) are scored over the summer and no preliminary results are reported. Final results are reported in late August or September.
Scores and Score Report Availability
Printed Individual Student Score Reports for Fall 2021 and Beyond
The state has decided they will no longer provide paper versions of individual student score reports. They will only provide districts with electronic pdf versions of those reports.
Family Score reports for Fall 2021 tests have been posted in Skyward and you may find your student's SBA or WCAS score report in the same location as you currently find report cards in Skyward.
Final results from the Fall 2021 test administration have been posted in Skyward on the Test Score tab in Family Access under the test name WCP21.
Because Fall 2021 tests were much shorter than the normal tests, the state has decided to not publish scale scores, but to only publish Performance Levels (Level 1, 2, 3, or 4).
It's important to understand that these results are an estimate of your child's performance on some of their skills and knowledge and are not as comprehensive as a normal state assessment would be. For example, the shorter ELA test did not assess writing skills.
Spring 2022 Preliminary SBA Test Results are expected to be posted to the Test Score tab by mid-June. Final Results will be posted in late August or September.
Because Spring 2022 tests, although longer than Fall 2021 tests, are still shorter than the pre-pandemic SBA tests, the amount of score detail that will be reported for Spring 2022 will be less than was available for pre-pandemic tests. The "Claim" section of the score report has been eliminated. We will be updating our "Sample" score report web pages (options on the menu to the left) in the near future to reflect this change.
How Scores Appear in Skyward
How Scores Appear in Skyward on the Test Score Tab
- Preliminary scores appear in Skyward under Test Name of PRELM.
- Final scores for SBA, WCAS, and WA-AIM usually appear in Skyward under the Test Name of WCAP (Washington Comprehensive Assessment Program). Scores specifically for Fall 2021 are under the test name WCP21.
- Scores for WIDA will appear under the Test Name of WIDA.
Interpreting Score Reports
Individual Student Score Reports for Fall 2021
The score reports for Fall 2021 are expected to look a little different than the way the reports normally look, due to the reduced length of the tests. Therefore the samples we show on our website are not representative of the reports you will receive for Fall 2021. There will be no scale scores reported nor any claim information.
Interpreting Individual Student Score Reports
For SBA tests, the state has a Test Score Guide website (Starting Smarter) that provides a great deal of information regarding scores and score reports. Click here to go to that website.
Our district has also created sample score reports on our district website making it possible for you to translate some of the text to other languages using the website translation tool. They are listed on the menu on the left as separate pages under Test Results.
We will be working on updating those samples in the near future to reflect Spring 2022 score report format.
Request to View Your Child's State Test
Request to View Your Child's State Test
Once final scores are published, Parents or Guardians may submit a request to the state to review their child's state test(s). The basic steps are these:
- Parent or Legal Guardian (or student over the age of 18 or emancipated) submits a form to the state specifying the test(s) they wish to review.
- The state sends the test to the Edmonds School District Assessment Office.
- The District Assessment Office makes an appointment with the requestor to come to the office to review the test.
- Tests that were taken online will be reviewed online on a district-provided Chromebook; paper/pencil tests will be reviewed as paper tests.
- Only Parents, Legal Guardians, or students over the age of 18 or emancipated may view tests. In some circumstances, an advocate may also be present during the review.
- Test materials may only be viewed. Note taking is not allowed during the review. Electronic devices must be turned off and set aside during viewing.
Most tests are available for review for one year after final scores are published, with the exception of high school tests (related to graduation pathway requirements) which are available for two years.
Please refer to the Procedures and Guidelines section on the state website for procedures to follow, as well as the timeline and the official form you must submit to the state to be able to view a test.
For Parents or Guardians wishing to appeal a high school test score pertaining to a test that will be used to meet graduation pathway requirements, reviewing the test is the first required step.