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Edmonds School District

SUNBucks/Summer EBT

SUN Bucks/Summer EBT 2024

SUN Bucks is a new program to help families buy food for their school-aged children during the summer. Families will get $120 for each eligible child to buy groceries during the summer. Children who get SUN Bucks can still participate in other summer meal programs. Receiving SUN Bucks will not affect children or families’ immigration status.

In Washington, SUN Bucks will be pre-loaded onto a special EBT card for each eligible child in your home (separate from any other EBT card your family may have) and mailed to your home. If eligible, you can use SUN Bucks benefits to buy food like fruits, vegetables, meat, whole grains, and dairy at grocery stores and other places that accept EBT benefits.

Your child is eligible for SUN Bucks if your child attends a school that offers the National School Lunch or School Breakfast Program and:

  • Already participates in SNAP, FDIPR, TANF or other programs directly certified by DSHS, or

  • Household income meets the requirements for free or reduced-price school meals

    • If your family has not yet filled out an application for Free and Reduced Meals for the 23-24 school year, please use this link to fill one out now:  23-24 Free & Reduced Meal Application

    • We can accept applications for the 23-24 school year (current school year) until June 14th, 2024

Many families will get SUN Bucks automatically if they are getting other benefits, but some families may need to apply for the program. The direct application will be available on the SUN Bucks website in mid - late June.

If your household already participates in SNAP, FDIPR, TANF, your child will automatically be enrolled in the SUN Bucks program. You do not need to fill out an application.

If your household has already submitted an application for Free and Reduced Meals and your students were approved, your children will automatically be enrolled in the SUN Bucks program.  You do not need to fill out any additional applications.

For additional information about the SUN Bucks program, please visit the linked website - SUNBucks Washington - or call the hotline at 1-833-543-3230

If you believe your child(ren) will qualify for SUNBucks but you did not fill out an application for Free/Reduced meals for the 23-24 school year (or qualify through other means), you can apply directly for the SUNBucks program on the website.  Please use this link to apply directly:  

Washington State SUN Bucks/Summer EBT Program page

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