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Edmonds School District

Free/Reduced Meals - Q&A

The Free/Reduced Meals Program allows students to receive one breakfast and one lunch per school day at no cost. Families qualify based on their income and number of people living within the household. One form per family must be filled out every school year to be eligible for the program.

Consent To Share Eligibility Information For Other School Programs - If you qualify for free or reduced – price meals based on household size or income or, if you receive Basic Food, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Food Distribution on Indian Reservations (FDPIR), or have been Directly Certified as eligible for free or reduced meals, you may be eligible for decreased fees to participate in other school programs. This form is optional and submitting / not submitting this form will not affect your student’s eligibility for free or reduced priced meals, or milk. Individuals or programs receiving the information you authorize for release on this form will not share the information with any other entity or program. An updated consent must be filed with the school district every school year.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I qualify for free and reduced meals?
If your family meets the income guidelines, complete an application online, Skyward Family Access or a paper copy at your school then return to school.

Do I have to fill out a new application every year?
Yes, a new application must be filled out every school year to ensure that your students receive all the benefits associated with Free and Reduced Meals.

If your family is directly qualified by your participation in Department of Social and Health Services programs like EBT and some Medicaid programs, your family may automatically qualify. You will receive an email confirming your eligibility from the school district once your family is approved. If you don't see an approval letter, please contact the Food Service office or submit a new application.

How do I find out if my students are already approved for meal benefits?
You will receive an approval letter via email at the email address on file with your school.  If you did not receive a letter or have questions regarding your eligibility, call the Food & Nutrition Department at 425-431-7078.

How do I get my approval letter?
Letters are sent directly to the email we have on file and are also available via Skyward Family Access.  If you do not have an email address, we will mail a hard copy to you at the mailing address we have on file.

How much do school meals cost?
If you qualify for the Free/Reduced Meals Program, starting September 2022 breakfast and lunch will be FREE for both free and reduced students.
For those not on meal benefits, elementary students will pay $1.75 for breakfast and $3.50 for lunch.  Secondary students will be charged $2.00 for breakfast and $4.00 for lunch. 

Do some schools have No Cost meals for all students?

Yes. Some schools are eligible for no-cost meals reimbursed through the Federal Community Eligibility Program (CEP) or Washington State Funds under House Bill 1238*

  • Alderwood Middle
  • Beverly Elementary*
  • Cedar Valley Elementary
  • Cedar Way Elementary 
  • Chase Lake Elementary 
  • College Place Elementary
  • College Place Middle
  • Edmonds eLearning Academy
  • Hazelwood Elementary*
  • Lynndale Elementary
  • Lynnwood High
  • Lynnwood Elementary*
  • Martha Lake Elementary* 
  • Meadowdale Elementary*
  • Mountlake Terrace Elementary
  • Oak Heights Elementary* 
  • Scriber Lake High
  • Spruce Elementary
  • Westgate Elementary*

Do families at free meal sites still need to complete free and reduced applications?
Yes, free and reduced applications are still important to maintain school benefits and to continue to receive school-wide free meals.
Free and reduced applications are important for more than just school meal benefits. Families on meal benefits are also eligible for waived course fees, additional EBT funds in the summertime, and many more resources.

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