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Edmonds School District

Facilities Operations

Two students excited with animated star
EW Lights
Maintenance Shop
Window Replacement
Facilities Operations Staff
Fire Extinguisher

Facilities Operations

The Facilities Operations Department in the Edmonds School District works to ensure the school buildings and sites provide the best learning environment to our students.

Layne Erdman, Safety & Facility Operations Specialist
(425) 431-7032

Carrie Kandoll, Facilities Operations Support Specialist
(425) 431-7332 

Facilities Operations oversees the Capital Partnership Program and the Capital Facilities Plan.

Facilities Rental / Community Use

Linda Lane, Facility Use Coordinator
(425) 431-3844

Community groups interested in utilizing a district facility must first coordinate with the Facility Use office.


Brett de Vries, Maintenance Manager
(425) 431-7245

The Maintenance Department oversees the structural/mechanical needs and grounds work on the district's facilities.

Custodial and Warehouse Services

Chris LongCustodial Services and Warehouse Manager
(425) 431-7340

Pat Carroll, Custodial Supervisor
(425) 431-7800

Mario Costa, Custodial Supervisor
(425) 431-7327

Custodial Services Department is responsible for the day-to-day cleanliness of the school facilities. The Warehouse manages inventory and deliveries of supplies and equipment throughout the district.

Safety and Emergency Preparedness

Layne Erdman, Safety & Facility Operations Specialist
(425) 431-7032

The Safety office works with Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs), crossing guards, emergency preparedness, indoor air quality, pandemic flu preparedness, and playground safety.