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Edmonds School District

Homeless/McKinney Vento Information

The McKinney-Vento Act is federal legislation that has been in effect since 1987 to support children and youth experiencing homelessness. The McKinney-Vento Act defines ‘homeless children and youth’ as individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. The intent of the McKinney-Vento Act is to ensure homeless children and youth enroll and succeed in school.

Have questions or need support:

McKinney-Vento and Foster Care Liaison
425-431-7146 Students living in any of the following situations may be entitled to additional support:
  • In a shelter, motel, trailer park, vehicle, or campground
  • On the street
  • Abandoned in hospitals
  • In an abandoned building, trailer, or other inadequate accommodations (lack of heat, water, etc.)
  • Doubled up with friends or relatives due to loss of housing or economic hardship 

Students living in homeless situations have a right to:

  • Get help with enrolling in school from the district liaison or other school contact to continue academic success;
  • Continue in the school they attended (referred to as the school of origin) before they became homeless or the school they last attended, if that is the parent’s choice and is feasible;
  • Get transportation to and from the school of origin;
  • Receive additional services such as ELL, Special Education, Title 1, preschool, Quest (gifted), career/technical education

How does your student enroll for services? Please fill out the Student Housing Questionnaire form or contact your school for support in enrolling for McKinney Vento services:  

The Student Housing Questionnaire is available via DocuSign to allow contactless processing. Link to the form on DocuSign: P-160 Student Housing Questionnaire 

If you filled out a form and were denied McKinney Vento and would like to file a grievance please read the following document and contact the McKinney Vento liaison at the district. Dispute Resolution Process

Homeless Students: Enrollment Rights and Services