Edmonds Heights K-12
Associated Student Body (ASB) funds are public monies raised on behalf of students and are used for optional, extra-curricular events of a cultural, athletic, recreational, or social nature. In general, carryover amounts from one year to another are due to anticipated expenditures for student activities which take more than a year of fundraising. These funds are not available for curricular, or graded student activities.
2021-22 ASB Fund Balance
2020-21 ASB Fund Balance
2020-21 ASB Card & Athletic Participation Data
2019-20 ASB Fund Balance
2020-21 ASB Fund Balance
2020-21 ASB Card & Athletic Participation Data
2019-20 ASB Fund Balance
-EHK12 ASB Extracurricular Activity Report 19-20
2018-19 ASB Fund Balance
-EHK12 ASB Extracurricular Activity Report 18-19
2018-19 ASB Fund Balance
-EHK12 ASB Extracurricular Activity Report 18-19
*These reports may not be audited and may not reflect final ending balances.