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Edmonds School District

College Place Elementary School and College Place Middle School

On February 13, 2024, the Edmonds School District's $594 million bond measure was approved by voters with 65.33% support. This bond will fund various projects, including an estimated $210 million for replacing College Place Elementary School and College Place Middle School at their current location in the southwest corner of Lynnwood. These new schools are part of a broader District Bond Plan aimed at moving 6th grade to middle school and enhancing educational outcomes. To ensure safety and efficient use of District property, the replacement of these two schools will be executed as a single project.

Project Overview

The District plans to build a new K-5 dual language elementary school with a capacity for 550 students and a 6-8 grade middle school for 1,000 students. The site layout will be optimized based on the District-wide Elementary School Educational Specification and recent experiences with new schools. This development aligns with the District’s shift to a K-5 grade configuration and its commitment to educational equity and supportive learning environments. The City of Lynnwood will handle the permitting for both schools.

The District will use the General Contractor/Construction Manager (GC/CM) approach for this project. NAC Architecture and Cornerstone Construction have been selected and approved by the School Board to lead the design and construction, working closely together throughout the project.

During the 2023-2024 school year, a Design Review Committee was established, including staff, students, parents, and community members from College Place Elementary and Middle Schools. The committee held meetings, tours, and focus groups towards the end of the school year to gather input for the design phase. The community was also invited to a meeting to help shape the new schools.

The Design Review Committee developed the following vision statement to guide the design of the new schools:

As you approach the College Place Campus, you feel welcomed and secure. The design of the building, play areas, and site is inclusive for all. Spaces between the elementary and middle schools are flexible and encourage people to engage in a variety of ways. All parts of the building will be connected to nature, showcasing the beautiful fir trees, and provide a calming atmosphere for all occupants. This vibrant campus will have a lasting impact for future ESD students, staff, and community members that will call this campus home.

Replacement of College Place Elementary School

College Place Elementary (CPE), a K-6 dual language school, will be replaced with a new K-5 Dual Language facility on the existing site. The current school may either continue operating at the existing location until the new building is ready or relocate temporarily, potentially to Woodway Elementary School (Woodway Center). Relocatable Classrooms have been added to increase the capacity for the College Place program. The District might request design team assistance for any necessary upgrades to the interim site.

Replacement of College Place Middle School

College Place Middle (CPM), which serves grades 7-8, will be replaced with a new 6-8 grade middle school at the same site. The current school is expected to remain operational until the new facility is completed.

Project Schedule and Constraints

The District plans to open the new College Place Elementary and Middle Schools in September 2028, though this timeline may be adjusted. Key scheduling considerations include:

  • Growth in District enrollment during the 2024 Bond program
  • Planning and implementation of the District’s grade reconfiguration for Elementary and Middle Schools
  • Availability of interim sites and coordination with other projects
  • The property represents a valuable asset for the District. With land resources being scarce, the design team will carefully incorporate plans that anticipate future District requirements and growth potential.
  • City of Lynnwood’s land use entitlements and permitting
  • Upgrades and improvements to 204th St SW Right-of-Way and sidewalks
  • Coordination of concurrent activities, including updates to Educational Specifications, Programming, and Conceptual Design
  • Design phases, reviews, and construction timelines

Next Steps

Over the next two years, the project will move through design and permitting stages, with construction expected to begin in the summer of 2026 and completion anticipated by 2028, in time for the 2028-2029 academic year.

The Edmonds School District will engage with the community throughout the project. For ongoing updates and information, please visit the Capital Projects website.

College Place Elementary & College Place Middle Updates

Design Phase for College Place Middle and College Place Elementary

The College Place Elementary and College Place Middle School replacement project is currently in the schematic design phase. Last school year, we held six meetings with the Design Review Committee (DRC) and organized tours to nearby schools and recently constructed facilities within the Edmonds School District. Our first community meeting allowed us to engage with focus groups to gather valuable feedback for updating the Educational Specifications for both schools. Over the summer, we convened with the Steering Committee for two productive sessions.

This new school year began with a DRC meeting, where we presented the initial design, including site and building layout. The Steering Committee has provided direction at key stages of the design. We are also engaging with staff from College Place Middle and Elementary, as well as PTA and PSO groups from the feeder elementary schools. We invite you to our second community meeting on October 16th, from 6 to 7 PM, in the College Place Middle School commons. This meeting will include School District personnel, the design team, architects, traffic engineers, and other specialized consultants.

We are committed to ongoing engagement between the Edmonds School District and the community throughout this process. To stay updated, please visit the Capital Projects website regularly, where we will post project updates.

Over the next two years, we will continue refining the design and navigating the permitting process, with construction expected to begin in the summer of 2026. We anticipate welcoming students to the new schools in the 2028-2029 academic year. Thank you for your involvement and support as we move forward with this important project!