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Edmonds School District

Reporting an Absence from Your Computer

As a parent or guardian, you can report your student absent via Skyward Family Access. This request will be seen by your student’s school office. Please allow time for processing. If you are picking up your student early, please follow any additional instructions from your student’s school with regards to communication and safety.

To report an absence from your mobile device, click here.

To report your student as absent:

  1. From your computer, sign in to Skyward Qmlativ (
  1. Select the tile, Attendance.
  1. Select the tab, Absence Requests.
  1. Near the right of the screen, click Add Absence Request

  1. Do the following:
    1. In the Start Date box, select the first day of student’s absence
    2. In the End Date box, select the last day of student’s absence
    3. If your student will be absent for the entire school day, select All Day.
    4. If your student will be absent for a partial day, unselect All Day, and select a Start Time and an End Time.
    5. From the Attendance Reason list, select the reason that best categorizes your student’s absence.
    6. In the Comment box, type additional information regarding your student’s absence, including if you plan to pick up your student early.
  1. Select Save to submit your request to the school’s office for processing.