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Edmonds School District

Enrollment Process

Welcome to the Edmonds School District. We are happy to have your family join us!
We are enrolling for the 2024-2025 and the 2025-2026 school years. 

Who can enroll

The enrollment process is for students who are not currently enrolled in kindergarten through 12th grade in the Edmonds School District. Currently enrolled students will roll up to the next school year.

Students must be living within the boundaries of the Edmonds District or have an approved nonresident School Change Application to enroll. K-12 nonresident (out of district) students must first apply to attend school in the Edmonds School District. If your family will be moving within Edmonds School District boundaries, please wait until you arrive to enroll.

If you are unsure whether you reside within the boundaries and if you need assistance finding your neighborhood school, please use link below:

Neighborhood School Finder

Age requirements - Kindergarten

Your child must be 5 years old by August 31, 2025, to be eligible for Kindergarten in the fall 2025.

What Grade Level?

View this chart to see your student's grade level based on their birthdate.

Grade level chart

Note: Edmonds School District may require additional steps or testing to determine grade level placement.

First: Collect Your Required Documents

Before completing enrollment, please collect required documentation. Families can then choose to register in one of two ways:
  • Online enrollment which includes a fillable form and an online enrollment application.
  • Paper enrollment by completing the full enrollment packet. These packets can be found on the Paper enrollment page. Completed paper packets are then submitted directly to schools for elementary and high school and the district office for grades 7 & 8. 

Second: Complete Forms packet

Families can then choose to enroll in one of two ways:
  • Online enrollment which includes a fillable form and an online enrollment application. This is the preferred method and quickest option for student enrollment.
  • Paper enrollment by completing the full enrollment packet. Completed paper packets will need to be hand-delivered to are submitted directly to schools for elementary and high school and the district office for grades 7 & 8. These packets can be found on the Paper enrollment page.

Once completed with "Forms Packet," save to your computer. You will need to upload this packet along with the other required documents into the Online Enrollment Application in Skyward. 

THIRD: Enroll Your Student Online

Please answer this question so we know where you need to begin the enrollment process: 

Do you currently have a student enrolled in Edmonds School District or have you ever had a student enrolled in Edmonds School District?

Finalize Enrollment

After you have submitted your student's online enrollment application you will receive an email confirmation from your student's school that will include any next steps to finalize enrollment.

Eligible families are encouraged to apply for the free and reduced-priced meal program. The application process is simple and confidential. Apply for meal benefits online!