The Facility Advisory Committee (FAC), made up of parents, community members, instructional and classified staff, spent about 10 months preparing a bond recommendation for the School Board.
The group prioritized their recommendation on moving the district to a 6th, 7th, and 8th grade middle school model. With that focus, they saw one of the biggest needs is to replace College Place Middle School so it can accommodate a three grade span. The district also needs a fifth middle school to switch to the proposed model.
When reviewing the 2024 bond and replacement levy recommendations from the FAC, the School Board felt it was important to focus on schools with larger and growing populations.
The district spans six municipalities that include Brier, Edmonds, Lynnwood, Mountlake Terrace, Woodway, and parts of Unincorporated Snohomish County. The school replacements and new school spread the construction across half the jurisdictions.
The School Board looked into when and where schools had been, or not been, recently replaced. With the largest population in the City of Edmonds, and continued growth and several portables at Westgate Elementary, it was decided to put Westgate Elementary on the 2024 proposed bond.
It was also decided to include Oak Heights Elementary as part of the 2024 School Construction Bond, which would replace the existing 2021 Capital Levy (see question below for more details).