Early Entrance
Early Entrance for Kindergarten and First Grade
The early entrance process is designed to provide an opportunity for children who do not meet the August 31 cut-off age as mandated by the state of Washington, but are academically ready and advanced, to enter kindergarten or first grade early. These children must also demonstrate advanced characteristics socially, emotionally, and in their thinking skills. All of these factors demonstrate readiness for the elementary classroom environment.
2025-2026 Kindergarten Early Entrance
Note: Applications for Early Entrance will be available on March 3, 2025.
Edmonds School District families who are seeking early entrance for their child that will be turning 5 after August 31, 2025 and between September 1, 2025 and October 31, 2025 will need to complete the 2025-2026 early entrance application (Available March 3, 2025 - May 16, 2025). Children will be screened by a district team in early June and children who qualify for an early entrance exemption will be granted 25-day conditional early entrance to kindergarten. All early entrance exemptions are reviewed during the 25-day conditional period by the child’s school team.
2025-2026 First Grade Early Entrance
Note: Applications for Early Entrance will be available on March 3, 2025.
Scenario 1: If you have a child who will turn 6 years of age after August 31, 2025, and they have been enrolled in a kindergarten program accredited* through the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) then you will need to complete the 25-26 Kindergarten Private School form.
25-26 Early Entrance 1st Grade from Private Kindergarten form
The form must be completed by the school and returned to Edmonds School District by July 31, 2025 for approval.
2023-2024 OSPI Private School List
*If the school is not on the list of OSPI accredited schools, please list the teacher’s Washington State teaching certificate number on the 25-26 Kindergarten Private School form.
Scenario 2: Families who are seeking early entrance to first grade for their child who will be turning 6 after August 31, 2025 and between September 1, 2025 and October 31, 2025 but have not attended a kindergarten program can apply to have their child screened by a district team during the Kindergarten early entrance screening in late May. Students who qualify for an early entrance exemption will be granted 25-day conditional early entrance to first grade.
All early entrance exemptions to first grade are also reviewed during the 25-day conditional period by the child’s school team.
Important Information for Parents to Consider about Early Entrance
Parents, please note that the early entrance process is designed to provide an opportunity for children who do not meet the August 31 cut-off age as mandated by the state of Washington, but are academically ready and advanced, to enter kindergarten early. These children must also demonstrate advanced characteristics socially, emotionally, and in their thinking schools. All of these factors demonstrate readiness for the elementary classroom environment.
Students who are ready for kindergarten early are advanced in multiple areas when compared to their same-age peers, or other children of the same birth month and year. Many students can demonstrate academic ability based on the exposure provided by parents and daycare settings; however, few children will demonstrate the aptitude or thinking ability needed to enter kindergarten early. When considering early entrance into kindergarten, keep in mind it is a process designed to meet the academic and social needs of the child, not as a replacement for child care. Students accepted into kindergarten early will be placed in a class where peers could be up to two years older. They will also be expected to attend kindergarten for a full day during the 25 school-day evaluation period.
The following factors and questions should be considered when determining if the early entrance process is something you wish to pursue for your child. It’s also very important to note that the evaluation can be exhausting for a four-year old. Please consider the effects of perceived failure on a young child, taking care to praise and provide support if s/he does not pass the evaluation.
Questions to Consider
- Is my child capable of working successfully with children who are one to two years older?
- Does my child adapt well to change, or will the adjustment frustrate him/her?
- What long term impacts will early kindergarten placement have on my child’s long term academic career (e.g. beginning college and high-school a year early)?
- Does my child ask questions to advance his/her learning?
- Can my child read, comprehend, and/or make connections to a story? Can my child decode challenging words?
- Does my child have an understanding of basic math concepts, such as shapes, time, number recognition?
- Does my child demonstrate leadership with same-age peers?
- Is my child able to maintain interest for long periods of time?
- Does my child demonstrate a curiosity about learning new things?
- Does my child demonstrate strong memory and recall skills?
- Is my child able to maintain a structured schedule for longer periods of time than same-age peers?
Factors/Characteristics to Consider
My child...
- Believes he/she can experience success at new tasks
- Can maintain personal care and hygiene with little assistance from adults (e.g., use the bathroom, tie shoes, button and zip garments)
- Thoughtfully considers feedback and adjust behavior accordingly
- Has the ability to focus attention for long periods of instruction
- Demonstrates fine and large motor skill coordination
- Can be separated from a parent without being upset
- Demonstrates strong interpersonal skills with students of his/her own age and older peers
- Follows routines and schedules
- Is enthusiastic about elementary school
- Follows given and multi-step directions
Contact Information:
Early Entrance at 425.431.7344