Age requirements
Your child must be 5 years old by August 31, 2025 to be eligible for Kindergarten in the fall 2025.
What school will my child attend?
Each student in the Edmonds School District is assigned to a school by address. Please enter residence information on the following website:
Neighborhood School Finder
Welcome sessions
Schools will conduct welcome sessions on three occasions. Dates will be posted on school websites or you may contact individual schools for more information.
Kindergarten and new student enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year begins soon. Stay tuned for updates.
Kindergarten Enrollment website
Paper enrollment (may be picked up and dropped off at your student’s neighborhood school).
Families will need proof of residency from your home (lease/rental agreement, mortgage statement, or a recent utility bill), proof of birth, and your child’s immunization history.
Choice schools
If you are interested in Edmonds Heights K-12, Madrona K-8 or Maplewood Parent Cooperative, please contact the school for information.
Dual Language schools
The Spanish-English bilingual program is available at four district schools, if they are not your neighborhood school, you may apply.
2024-25 Enrollment
We love kindergarten!
Key kindergarten dates
- Kindergarten Family Connection Meetings
- First Day of Kindergarten