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Edmonds School District


What is Homeschool?

Home-based Instruction (HBI), aka homeschool, is parent or guardian directed learning.  Families who choose to engage in HBI are committed to being the primary decision maker for their child’s instructional program.  Ultimately, the parent is responsible for designing instruction and monitoring progress. Washington State law defines instruction as home-based if it: 

consists of planned and supervised instructional and related educational activities, including curriculum and instruction in the basic skills of occupational education, science, mathematics, language, social studies, history, health, reading, writing, spelling, and the development of an appreciation of art  and music…[and] such activities are provided by a qualified parent. (Washington RCW 28A.224.010 [4])

More information can be found in OSPI’s Washington State’s Laws Regulating Home-Based Instruction.

Steps to notify the Edmonds School District of intent to homeschool

Students will be considered as being homeschooled when:

  • The parent or guardian contacts their child(ren)’s public school to let them know that they are withdrawing to homeschool.
  • The parent or guardian submits a signed Intent to Homeschool Form. The Intent form must be filed annually by September 15th, or within two weeks of the beginning of any quarter, trimester or semester. Forms may be submitted to the superintendent's designee in two ways:

Note: Submitting an Intent to Homeschool form is not the same thing as registering for the Edmonds Heights K-12 parent partnership program school.

Part-time school enrollment and/or special education or 504 services 

Students receiving home-based instruction may enroll in district schools as part-time students on a space available basis, provided the student is otherwise eligible for full-time enrollment in the district. Requests for part-time enrollment or ancillary services should be sent to the principal at the child(ren)’s neighborhood school. 

Students requesting to transition from home-based instruction to full-time instruction in a district school

Please contact the student placement office at their neighborhood school. 

  •  Tentative placement is determined after consultation with the parent.
  •  Actual course level placement is made by the enrolling school with input from the student placement officer.  Inability to meet grade level course expectations may result in the student being placed at a different level.
  • Credits for courses completed during home-based instruction may be conditional upon successful completion of subsequent sequential course work.